After months of work we finally have the dinosaurs evolution branch ready for public beta testing! For this release we're experimenting with a brand new set of game mechanics, as well as a new art direction. We're testing it on a standalone web version for now, which means your main save will not be affected. In the main game, this will be another branch coming off of the evolutionary tree, but for testing purposes right now it's disconnected. If you try the beta, please put your feedback here, on our [url=]Discord[/url], or in our [url=]subreddit[/url]. Thanks for all your patience- we still have a lot of work to do before this branch is ready to move into the main game, but we'll be updating this link regularly until official release. [b]Play the standalone Dino BETA ( web )[/b] [b]Patch Notes 2_27[/b][list] [*] Rebalanced rank 1-10 missions [*] Extended missions to rank 12 (reset required) [*] All dinosaurs now animated [/list] [b]Patch Notes 2_23[/b][list] [*] Fixed negative timer issue [*] Disabled selecting hidden tiles [/list] [b]Patch Notes 2_22[/b][list] [*] Fixed autosave [*] Disabled extinction cutscene audio for now (fixed audio in next patch) [*] Reward details screen improvements [*] Reenable tapping in tree view (tap upgrades to come) [*] Fixed small/large body icons [/list] [b]Patch Notes 2_21[/b][list] [*] Added extinction event cutscene (audio coming soon!) [*] Replaced palm trees with prehistorically accurate ones [*] Tap to continue for rank up rewards - Archosaur animation/pathing [*] Typo fixes [*] Brachiosaurus is now available ( however you need to do a hard reset to get it to show up. We are working on updating the missions/tree with out needing a reset ) [*] fixed Mutagen bar not paying out- Add UI to show you collected Mutagen [*] fixed Collecting Mutagen mission sometimes being complete right after ranking up [*] Updated Rank up Panel. Listed out how many dinosaurs were disappeared in the extinction event [/list] -lunch [img][/img] [img][/img]