[h2]Enter the Mysterious Mesozoic Valley![/h2] [previewyoutube=DWRoIAbMnbI;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]The Great Fossil has Opened[/h2] With the collective power of a billion taps, the mysterious rock has finally been broken! Cracking apart, the stone revealed... a dinosaur skull. The Simulation's governing AI, Semblance, is intrigued by this fossil, and wants you to create a live specimen of this creature. Help her to continue the grand experiment. [url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/a7d0815b16261df36bef9a50d52d02368aa925d0.gif][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/a7d0815b16261df36bef9a50d52d02368aa925d0.gif[/img][/url] [h2]Experience the Majesty of a Lost World![/h2] Breathe in the archaic air of the Mesozoic Valley: an immense world designed to be home to your legion of simulated dinosaurs. Be the first creature in 240 million years to witness them frolicking, swimming, and soaring through the twilight sky. We have spared no expense for your delight, so don't be afraid to get up close, and take a picture. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/33a61c07a8ee5a8e633c3f665925a74eb92b5add.png[/img] [h3]Climb the Dinosaur Family Tree![/h3] Learn about the development of dinosaurs and their kin by unlocking 19 different species, from the common Triceratops to the rare Dilophosaurus. Read about your favorite prehistoric creatures, and the fascinating evolutionary traits they evolved to gain a leg up in a harsh, dino-eat-dino world. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/72ad4b5fac56b95b2b29d9a181b92ab9dfa1d559.png[/img] [h3]Experience the Next Evolution of Cell to Singularity![/h3] [list] [*]Collect dinosaurs from each branch of their evolutionary tree, and learn how they dominated the Earth for millions of years. [*]Charge up your dinosaurs to earn a special currency, Fossils. Collect evolutionary trait cards to increase your Fossil production, and use Mutagen to level up the strength of your cards. [*]This world is rocked by occasional extinction events - a cataclysmic tragedy for individual creatures, but, ultimately, the thing that paves the way for Evolution to continue its march forward. [*]Don't forget to mine for valuable Data Geodes and crack open the treasures inside! [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/a4824ef46a71e9582bf38c1af6d83083dffc381a.png[/img] Unlock all 19 iconic dinosaurs, fill the Mesozoic Valley with life, and help Semblance get closer to her goal of understanding the Universe (or so she says...)