Hello Universe Architects, A new Beyond Beta update is available on Steam (mobile coming later tonight)! *Please note that this update will restart your Beyond progress! PATCH 9.55 + Major progression changes: Celestial Bodies now reset after ranking up the universe, however the rank up bonus is now 3x. + Minor mission tweaks. + Fixed several visual bugs from the last Space Garden polish. + Negative Overflow bug has been fixed. + Brand new cutscene when opening a Star Lootbox! + Several new translations implemented (WIP, more are coming in a future update). We appreciate your feedback, and we hope you're continuing to enjoy the beta! In order to best help us improve the Beyond expansion, please fill out [url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7T7X8XDnmnOrt2Jc4rOhanZEPmzuAftfxBXDZ52oIbd91ww/viewform?usp=sf_link]this[/url] form for us to review. Stay cellular! ~Lunch