PATCH 9.44 + Fixed bug where beyond cut scene would play again and again + Constellation have line drawing + Dispatch missions have the correct 3D models. + Stars in background of solar system are sized more correctly + Space time icon updated. + Cube Bundles updated. PATCH 9.35 Quick fix for the idle income not working in any simulations. + Fixed idle income not being collected in any of the simulations. + In the Dino's "Collect" mission were incorrectly labeled as "Research" missions + Fixed issue were players were seeing "infinity" on progress bars in the Dino simulation. + Astronomy missions in beyond should have the correct title and description for all those mission types. ------------------------------ Hey Cells Testers, We added a doorway to get to the beyond scene you will need to open the beyond by clicking on the Ghost Galaxy near the start of the tree. The Ghost Galaxy only shows up after you reboot the simulation one time. PATCH 9.34 9/01/2021 + Achievement text added for the constellations + To enter the beyond. You need to first unlock singularity and then look for the galaxy ghost in the main simulation at the bottom of the tree. + Rare card power increased. + 3D object and sprites added for dispatch missions. + Added 2 more dwarf star research missions. + UI for switching world updated in the main simulation. + Starting work on beyond into cut scene + Starting work on translations. ------------------------------ Hey Cells Testers, We have a new beyond beta update, Achievements have been add to this patch. We also need to reset beyond progress to test out new economy tuning. Sorry about the constant reseting of progress, this should be one of the last time we need to do that. As alway thank you for helping us test. Leave any feedback in the comments. [strike][/strike] ~ lunch PATCH NOTES 9.30 + Re-Balancing rare and epic card power levels. +Major Progression and Pacing Pass + Bonus payout and speed are now additive not multiplicative. +Tweaked Astronomy Missions timers + Universe rank up cut scene update Semblance dialog segment + Achievements add for all major generators. Each of the 12 Constellations unlocked gives an Achievement. + Constellation bonus rebalanced. + Constellation bonus tooltip more clear on what the Bonus does. + Descriptions for generators and card have been updated + Cube Bundles should work correctly now. + Save mission icon updated. + Added missing icons for Heliosphere and Alpha Centauri + Sound effects add for card reveal + Sun rays radiate out from the sun generator on the tree. + fixed brackets showing on wrong side in the Solar system garden. + fixed: quantum charge is now hidden while ranking up + Fixed overflow number glitch where later ranks had mission showing numbers 0.000000000005