UPDATE 8/18/2021 We pushed a hotfix to address the background music playing while muted. This patch also fixed a bunch other items listed bellow. [b]PATCH NOTES 9.21[/b] + Super charge initial state graphic change to look like galaxy swirl + Constellation grid bug fixed + Top mission UI flickering fixed + Background ambient music respects the mute button + Dispatch mission cost and effect increased + Tool tip shows the correct discount from a dispatch mission + Mission type have unique icon for clarity + Mission tuning on rank 12-17 + Interstellar Medium mission now effect oort cloud discount. + Tapping power restored to the main simulation. + Collect mission now refereed to as "Research" in mission ui ----------------- Hi Cells Testers, We received lots of feedback over the weekend. This patch addresses most of those issues that players encountered. We did discover a major progression blocker, along with a bug causing tapping power to become overpowered. Due to these two bugs we unfortunately needed to reset progress again for beta. We apologize for the lost progress during the beta. [b]Patch notes 9.20[/b] - Dinosaur mutagen bug not being able to collect fixed. - Fixed: Progression blockers - Updated top mission UI. -Translations Implemented (WIP) - Tapping on top mission UI will center on related generator. - Ambient Music system - Planet specific music plays on unlock and rank up. - Rank up sound effect - Photo mission has icon and translation. - Tapping Power Balance Changes - Tree background reveal as you unlock nodes - Capped final Rank at 17 Please leave any found bugs and feedback in the comment. ~lunch