[h3]Dear Cellular Cadets, Your elite beta testing abilities are requested. [/h3] We have herd reports of metabit production decreasing,[i] the metabits must flow[/i]. This beta patch increases the overall speed of the simulation when unlocking Reality Engine nodes. Make sure to also check out the advance improvements in photomode. Add any feedback in the comments. We are hoping to release this update sometime early next week. [h3]What to look out for while testing[/h3] - Increase metabit production for Reality Engine upgrades. Increase over all speed increase maximum. 1650 >>> 2475 - Each Mesozoic Valley Rank give a more speed increase to main simulation. 2% >>> 5% - Fixed bug where on entering the game metabits would be increase by the of earned metabits that simulation round. - Puma/Mountain lion is now a trophy animal on the tree. - 2 New evolution traits for the Brain track and reproduction track ( Medulla oblongata , Menstruation ) - Advance photo mode features. You can freeze frame the world after a photo is taken. Then adjust the horizontal and vertical panning to get the perfect shot. Just in time for the photo contest. - Controller support much improved. Tree navigation allows for directional hopping to nodes on the tree. You can navigate special nodes on the tree such as Mesozoic Valley of the floating Brain. Tools has more options for controller navigation. - Simplify Chinese number have been localized. Including both Big Chinese number and time scales. - Reconfigured tree layout between Tetrapod and Ape. With the Mammal Kingdom update this section needs more polish to smooth the game play. We are still working on the layout and upgrade progress on this part of the tree. - Parrot on the tree replaced with the new Parrot model. Thanks for your help, ~LUNCH [h3]How to help test the beta[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/4f9252a909a920b0054b8e867c25abf3780c6a59.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/76e347a63a179212dbf2741e776244877b8a9517.png[/img]