Hi Cellular Cadets, We are rolling out a new patch. The big feature is cross platform transfer. For a while players have been requesting the ability to transfer there steam game to their phones and vice versa. This was no simple feature as it required a bit of complicated server programming, but we did it! At the moment you can create an account on your steam game, unfortunately you'll have to join one of the phone beta to also access that feature on your phone, so it's a bit complicated to test at the moment.  Here are [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ov_XvSn2AN1Q0EVJLgCnxfVkzdn6EL72LH5bhDP-aSc/]directions to join the public beta[/url] on Steam or your mobile Cells. List of all the changes in update 5.62 1.-Game Transfer: -Create an Account and upload your game data to the cloud. -Try to Recover your game data back from the cloud and if you are playing in another device try log in with you account info and download the data from the cloud. -If you are playing in another language besides english, Please check if there is any missing text on any dialogue boxes. -If you are playing on STEAM, please make sure that when typing your account information, you do not trigger any dev hotkeys. (If this happens, please let me know) 2.-Universe Reboots -If you can, please perform at least 2 reboots and check if you are able to track your metabits countdown. Recently we fixed an issue where the metabits weren't properly shown on the Simulation Statistics 3.-International Space Station: This used to auto buy the moment you bough 100 Information Ages. 4.-Background Music: -Recently we lowered the music volume on android by 20%. Is still too loud? Please let us know. If you have questions, suggestions or you encounter a problem, feel free to leave a message to - Cross play transfer system in the options. Note you need to - Ammonideas Trait cards effect discription change to relate to "Fossil Tap" and not "All dinosours" - T-Rex cutscene rerecored audio fixed wireframe shader not working correctly in scene. - More icons updated in the main tree. - To avoid confusion Warm Climate card no longer display the card count and states "Prestige" Leave any feed back as a commit or you can post it on the #beta in our [url=https://discord.com/invite/celltosingularity]discord channel[/url]. Thank you so much for your help! Stay Cellular!