[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34010837/7de0c836936cbc901c0392ccd543012797e04ebe.png[/img] Hi everyone! We're working very hard to finish the new update and we're getting close to releasing it publicly. However, we wanted to test one more intermediate build before we send it out into the world. If you all could look over the beta one more time to check out what we've changed and continue to give us notes on what we should fix or alter, we would really appreciate the help. [b]Things that we've changed: [/b] - Achievements are not in the dashboard - Changed the reality engine menu and made it so you can see the upgrades in the Semblance menu without having to restart the game - Changed a few of the names of the titles on the dashboard - Fixed scrolling in the Mars garden ( I know you get scroll outside the map i'm fixing that today!) - Fixed the UI bug where it was zoomed in after restarting - Fixed overlapping on garden side panel icons - Adjusted generator buy layout - Brought back the shooting star boost - Changed icon on statistics panel - Made "buy" button easier to read when inactive - Added icons to rotation lock option button We're still working on some of the cosmetic details, like overlapping text and text color on certain screens, and those should be fixed by the next build. Thank you all for the help you've done with testing the game so far. We're looking forward to hearing your feedback on this version!