[h2]BETA SIGN UP ARE NOW CLOSED as of 20/2/20[/h2] Thank you we got a bunch of sign up to help us with the closed beta we will be sending out noticed this coming monday. Thanks for signing up. ------- Hi everyone, we're back and looking for a new round of private Beta Testers (the Cellular Cadets) to try out the latest updates to Cell to Singularity! You'll get to help us test some of the newest features and content of the Mesozoic Valley. All Cellular Cadet feedback will be used in overall tuning and will help us decide what features we want to add. It is a bit more of a formal testing process than public beta testing, so we do have some procedures that we'll want our private testers to stick to, and joining the beta does require filling out a questionnaire. We will send you a link to that questionnaire once you contact us about your interest in being a tester. Full disclaimer: you may be required to reset part of your game for this testing. As the testing is focused on the dinosaur tree, you may need to restart this segment during the process. As with any beta testing, there is always some risk of save file corruption in general. If this is something that sounds interesting to you, please email us at beta@computerlunch.com. We are taking applications for beta testers as of 02/17/2020. The new features that we're testing include new content for the Mesozoic Valley, including: + 9 new rare cards + 3 new dinosaurs + Revised mission progression + New Spinosaurus and Iguanodon traits + Geode distribution and payout + Boosts from the Mesozoic Valley that will effect the main Simulation + New missions up to rank 50 + Achievements for all new dinosaurs + Max card rank 13 Thank you in advance for all of your assistance! We're excited to get the next patch out, and with your help we can release it even faster.