[h2]5.15 HOTFIX - 4/15/2020[/h2] We push a quick patch to fix a few issue we noticed the game. Let us know if you see anything else in the comments. + Ukraine is game to you!? Not to us as we have fixed the missing Ukrainian Dinosaurs names. + Fixed white reticle getting stuck on center of the screen. + Increased the value of the card store. You also can buy Mystery Cards back to back. + Golden Pterodactyl slow easier to catch. + Update 10+ icons on the main tree that had duplicate images. + Fixed Mesozoic Mania contest link causing players game to freeze ( let us know if this is still happening.) + Dinosaur garden p erformance optimizations [h2]5.13 - 4/13/2020[/h2] As we start finishing up the polish on the Mesozoic Valley, we've been continuing to work from home. We're seeing record numbers of players on Steam, and we want to keep updating with the best quality of life improvements to ensure a satisfying game experience. [h1]It’s Important to Stay Up-To-Date[/h1] Has it ever bothered you to not see your fossils per second count? Yeah, us too. Now our problems are solved, with your fossil count in the toolbar right where it belongs! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/c4d1cca4e28aaefaa53b59b6459831e742544165.png[/img] [h1]Chip Off The Ol’ Block[/h1] Our geodes are better than ever! Along with another graphics update, you can now click anywhere on the screen to break your rewards free! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/13b4d1f64a71cc83dcdb56cefc92a14fc7f4a39a.png[/img] [h1]Are You Ready to Rumble?[/h1] What's this bipedal Archosaur up to? Click on this colorful new addition in your dinosaur garden to find out! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/c6479101ee56a358e89ba58b8aeb2b2f1d785f19.gif[/img] [h1]Memory Leak Has Been Plugged[/h1] We fixed the memory leaks - now you avid auto-clickers can go crazy! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34010837/c9c536d7b207f092f5ffdf6512987a4e0318d280.gif[/img] [h1]Dinosaur Tutorial Updated[/h1] We’re back to learning the basics! Our opening tutorial for the Mesozoic Valley is now even more comprehensive for new players. [b]And here is the complete list of all additional changes big and small:[/b] + Updated card store to increase frequency of useful card appearance. + Geodes in boost store have new graphics. + Tool tip shows correct income earned while in overdrive. + Android back button now closes options menu. + Android back button now minimizes dash panel. + Sprite packing to improve UI rendering performance. + Player is no longer called the Creator, you are now an Architect! + Loading message added when switching worlds. + Semblance's message about reality engine now only shows one time. + Changed order of Jurassic, Triassic and Cretaceous on dash panel. + Fixed cheat where you could trigger a shooting star then bring that boost over to the dinosaur world forever. + Fixed camera clipping issues. + Fixed double tapping causing negative card count. + Fixed UI popups getting stuck during geode cutscene. + Fixed asteroid cutscene freezing when switching orientation. + Fixed memory allocation problems relating to leaving the game open and clicking. + Fixed photo reticule appearing in tree view. + Can disable music during asteroid sequence. We want to thank everyone who's been playing and enjoying our dinosaur expansion. We've been having a rip-roaring good time! Stay cellular, everyone!