Gleam-Touched and Glory-Gifted
Author: Arabella Dusk,
published 4 months ago,
AK is away currently on a mysterious writing trip - his last before [url=]HOUSE OF LIGHT[/url] launches - to finish up the Lighthouse Institute. You've probably noticed that our teasers up until this point about the Lighthouse Institute have been, er, here is a lighthouse! Here are some aspects! Be excited! Well, soon we will have some more specifics to share. People in the HOUSE OF LIGHT beta seem to really enjoy the interactions between visitors - for example, surprising revelations about the hobbies of well-known occultists:
[quote][i]"Douglas and Serena discuss a shared, concealed, but evidently profound passion for knitting. Douglas: 'If you tell anyone outside this room, I'll have you locked up.' Serena: 'If you tell anyone outside this room, I'll give King Crucible your address.'"[/i][/quote]
Or subtle yet pivotal decisions in other occultists' lives:
[quote][i]"Morgen and Arun return to their conversation about the Obliviates, who once were called the House of Lethe. She playfully accuses him of being a member, and asks him where he keeps his three chains. He parries by asking her where she keeps her notorious key of black sapphire. Morgen crosses her legs and asks Arun silkily if he would like to search her. After a moment, he says very definitely that no, he would not."[/i][/quote]
AK is writing even more to cover all the potential interactions of the Lighthouse board. As there are six positions available and 1-3 people (I think!) who are eligible for that position, there're a lot of different possibilities here. It's actually a great illustration of the danger of hidden multipliers in game development. To take an art pipeline example: 'I will add two vases of flowers to each room in Hush House, which will take 5 minutes each. That's quick! OK, so there are 107 rooms, multiplied by 10 minutes, which gives me a task list that will take... realistically three full days' work to complete. Maybe I won't add those flowers then.' This is why AK has to basically rent a room and lock himself inside it when it comes to these big writing tasks in [i]BOOK OF HOURS[/i]. It's on us for making such a complicated, baroque game, but hey!
What I can share at this stage is that AK is doing a lot of work on endings, making them truly reflective of your choices and your specific Lighthouse Board. Here's our new Lighthouse-specific ending page, for example (please note this is a mock-up, and may change before we launch):
You'll be able to click on each of the Lighthouse Institute roles ('Secretary Vigilant', etc) to see what that specific person did in that specific role. So you should have a really good sense at the end of a HOUSE OF LIGHT playthrough of the effect your choices had on the world, and what the personalities you put in power went on to achieve. Hopefully that will feel crunchy and rewarding, like a fresh slice of Amber Pumpkin Pie. But more news on this soon, when AK returns!
(Also, more news on the Lucid Tarot and [url=][i]Cultist Simulator[/i][/url] coming to consoles [url=]on the blog[/url], if you're interested in other Weather Factory news.)