Introducing: THE TOMB OF LIES
Author: Macramé,
published 3 years ago,
Happy spring, everyone! I come bearing the dry, enigmatic bones of the [b]Tomb of Lies[/b], another new library from [i]BOOK OF HOURS[/i]. It lies somewhere uncertain in the subcontinent, probably. And it's the home of the Hooded Princes, who guard its collection on the Five Histories under the joint guardianship of the Mother of Ants and the Horned Axe. As [i]BoH[/i] libraries go, it's a relatively safe one - if you can find it.
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[h3][i]"The Great Hooded Princes are described as having 'escaped from the history of their death to a history where they yet live'. The text claims that there are now one hundred and eight of them, but - in one of many instances of twinnedness - before they crossed from their death chronicle, there were only fifty-four."[/i][/h3]
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