User avatar level 1 lessofthat OP All-Time Top 10 Poster +5 · 19 hr. ago WEATHERMAKER - Scroll bar on news window now responds to scroll wheel! - Double-click to zoom to room, double-click again to zoom in closer (little rough still, I'll clean it up) - Animals no longer recover from hunger at dawn (but dw, they won't starve either!) - Better hints about how to hire rare guests at the Sweet Bones - Fixed several floaty / odd shelves - Workstations and items are interactable at a slightly farther distance - We stopped autosaving when you alt-tab out, for reasons - Some improvements to camera movement - Comfort slots are less obtrusive - Assistance can't be right-clicked to an inappropriate rooms lot - Fixed Aspect mixup on three Numina - Drag hints go away forever after a half-dozen times (placeholder for a better system) - Postage slot will now only accept money - Various other typos and hint clean-ups