[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43805818/d0b59f1df28c6896655232745c2f0da0a47d7ab0.jpg[/img] [h1]Early Access[/h1] I guess first I should announce the that Early Access is going to be coming in May, The date has not been set, but I am hoping everything will be ready for around the middle of May, and will have date announcement a few weeks before that. [h1]Weekly updates[/h1] My plan is have weekly updates on here on what's been going on with game and what has been done, with photos and the odd video. So here first of my updates and look forward hearing from you all. The most recent work that has been done has been toward getting the start screen, loading, and saving systems working. For the moment, it will be set up to 10 slot options, with plans for an expansion to name and select as many saves as you want in the future. Additionally, I've been working on a combat system, getting AI to attack, move, and strafe around the player, while also being aware of each other. I've also set up attacking sounds and getting hit noises. Recently, I imported custom weapons textures and set them up so I can assign them to any AI using game tags. I've also been creating custom animations for some of the monsters, like the werewolves, and set them up to have both bipedal and quadrupedal versions of the enemy. I hope to add dogs and wolves next, and hopefully, that will be done by the end of the week. I'm also working on dialogue and quests now. I've finalized a lot of dialogue trees in Twine and am working on integrating those dialogue trees into the game's dialogue system and linking them up with quests. Next week's plan is to continue working on that and get the majority of the main quest lines for Part One of the story finished, with players meeting up with most of the main characters and such. Music is going to be an important part of that too, but I will talk more about that next week.