Hi all! One of the common feedback items has been that the game is partially an idle game, but there was no TRUE idle gameplay. This was due to the idle aspect requiring the player to hold down the mouse click, but again this isn't truly and idle experience, as it does require an action making it more active-idle. [h3]Auto-Click Rate[/h3] Version 1.18 remedies that and replaces the [b]Idle-Click Delay[/b] upgrade with an [b]Auto-Click Rate[/b] upgrade which now makes it so the game will actually perform a "click" as if an actual mouse-click was performed, triggering all abilities that are click-based. While there will still be instances that clicks will be required, you can now sit back, relax, and enjoy the light show while racking in some monies for new upgrades. Thank you all for the support, I hope this improves your experience and satisfies the frustration of this being an "idle clicker" without having a true idle aspect. More updates are coming, and we're inching closer to the content update. Until next time!