Huge update to the demo! This has been slowly rolled out in smaller updates but I wanted to make a post letting you know of all of the changes we've made since the last update. Thank you everyone that has taken the time to provide feedback and report issues. We truly appreciate it! [h2]Highlights[/h2] [list] [*]Brand new tutorial system [*]New build/combat mode input system [*]Many Points of Interest are now spread around the world [*]Added our first NPC! [*]You can now replace tiles under structures [*]Streamlined demo progression [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*]Craft item tooltips now have more information [*]More input hints [*]Reworked splitter UI [*]Foliage can now be destroyed by your sword and blaster [*]Better feedback when attempting to dig/replace a supporting tile [*]The forge now dispenses on the bottom left rather than top left [*]Default craft speed was increased by 50% [*]Improved tutorial text based on feedback [*]Changed toolbar to set items with left mouse button [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed an issue with clipping through the ground when jumping [*]Fixed an issue with closing setting window with Escape [*]Fixed inconsistency with setting toolbar items with number keys from the inventory [*]Fixed a crash when rolling [*]Fixed a crash caused by Mana Turret bullets [*]Fixed an issue with drills not working on newer versions [*]Fixed issue with power relay tutorial task not always working [/list]