[list] [*] Added 2 new music kits in the drops! Added Black Rock and it's final wave variant! [/list] [h3][b]Asteroids drops changed:[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Small Asteroid - 51.6% chance to drop instead of 20% [*] Medium Asteroid - 25.8% chance to drop instead of 20% [*] Large Asteroid - 12.9% chance to drop instead of 20% [*] Huge Asteroid - 6.4% chance to drop instead of 20% (NOW RARE INSTEAD OF COMMON) [*] Triplet Asteroid - 6.4% chance to drop instead of 20% (NOW RARE INSTEAD OF COMMON) [*] Golden Variants - These asteroids are now 7.8X more rare to be dropped. (NOW VERY RARE INSTEAD OF RARE) [/list] Asteroids drop changes are made to balance asteroid crafting and make item trading more meaningful. It also naturally makes more sense to have bigger asteroids be rarer. Finally, [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2408130/Asteroids__Soundtrack/]the official OST will also update to include new songs very soon.[/url] [h3][b]Future Updates (1.2.X and 1.3)[/b][/h3] [b]Infinite Achievements[/b] - I always hated the 'Do X amount of thing' achievements, which is why I (mostly) tried to avoid those achievements on Steam. My achievement design is generally unique for each weapon/ability/utility or progression based. Now I have an idea to include achievements in-game and the player can progress through infinite achievements where they can 'upgrade' achievement medals and gain higher rewards! [b]Monthly Medals[/b] - I plan adding monthly medals, there would be a medal which can be upgraded to infinity and each upgrade costs more credits. (So for december it would be a christmas based medal). Each medal upgrade brings a permanent 1% buff (either shop discount, weapon buff, ability buff, utility buff, asteroids health, asteroids damage, specific asteroid type nerfs, skill tree buffs, etc) but costs more and more credits the more it is upgraded. A new medal would appear each month, however, if you upgraded a medal from the previous year, the levels would be saved so you wouldn't have to grind for upgrades again! Ironman mode will disable these buffs, and in weekly/daily levels ironman mode is on by default. [b]Monthly Gifts[/b] - There would be a monthly gift which when opened would let you play a minigame and depending how well you did in a minigame the prize is determined based on how well you did. These would be obtainable through IAP (or special events). On average a player can earn 15000 credits, up to a max of 30000 if they play minigames perfectly (or 10000 minimum if they do it poorly). There would be a unique minigame for each month! [b]Shop Discounts[/b] - I am thinking to make a discount system for the IAP shop, so occasionally there would be a sale on a specific item in the shop. That's all, thanks for playing! [url=https://store.steampowered.com/itemstore/2407300/detail/112/]If you want more quality updates, please donate![/url] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44677482/5b5f1e37802ba30f6bd4358d88ac9dd9ee3dd0c7.gif[/img]