[h1][b]6 new drops are out in the common pool![/b][/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44677482/e4ea7f70577a8f538bb3b0bc466da7c7e05c8400.gif[/img] [h2][b]Added: [list] [*] Black Small Asteroid [*] Black Medium Asteroid [*] Black Large Asteroid [*] Black Huge Asteroid [*] Black Triplet Asteroid [*] Black UFO (Sniper) [/list] [/b][/h2] You can spawn black asteroids in sandbox mode by owning them in your inventory! Play the game to unlock them! [url=https://store.steampowered.com/itemstore/2407300/detail/112/]If you want more quality updates, please donate![/url]