[h1][b]12 new drops are added in the common pool![/b][/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44677482/f49646e2000a301cb58157fc5d8778d349fb1191.png[/img] Been a while since you've seen these. Well today there will be a brand new common drop type, [b]WEAPONS![/b] Enjoy 12 level variants of the rifle weapon! [i](In 1.1.8 you will be able to combine weapons and make them more powerful!)[/i] [h3][b]What can I do with these items in the future?[/b][/h3] [list] [*] You will be able to use them in sandbox and test your loadout, higher levels allow you to choose a more powerful version [*] You will be able to make custom weapon restrictions in the future level editor update, so keep an eye on that [*] You will be able to unlock that max level for that weapon or unlock it if you don't own it [/list] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/itemstore/2407300/browse/?filter=Shop%20Items]You can buy level 1 weapons here and combine them into powerful variants! It supports my game development![/url] Or, you can play the game to unlock them!