[h1][b]Asteroids ++ 1.2.1[/b][/h1] [list] [*] [b]NEW ABILITY Extra Lives! THE FIRST PASSIVE ABILITY:[/b] When the player dies, it respawns... at a cost of a ability slot. Higher level shortens the cooldown when you can be respawned. [*] Passive abilities activate on it's own and not based on player input (so without pressing X or LT) and are activated under special conditions (so with extra lives it activates when the player dies) [*] Added skill tree upgrades for the ability [*] Daily levels no longer have black rocks [*] Weekly planets have 5x less chance to spawn black rocks (this will be changed later) [*] Added an ability to remove corrupted save files [*] You can now use WASD in the stats screen (thanks CDeth) [*] Fixed bug where daily level time was adding up with each attempt (thanks kyle2662) [*] Hook cost reduced to 100 > 80 [*] Laser procedural cost reduced from 30 > 25 [*] Laser cost increased from 60 > 70 [*] Shield cost reduced from 75 > 50 [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44677482/c20618c037eb5f944b3019a42bcd6ca9deedbf6b.png[/img]