[h2]Celebrate the end of the year with our festive deals![/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41310629/8fd1dd4988326daf4684e7ba3f21c915260aa939.png[/img] Save up to 45% on Asterigos: Curse of the Stars, and treat yourself or your friends to the legendary adventure during the Steam Winter Sale 2023! [list] [*] [b]Asterigos: Curse of the Stars[/b] - 45% off [*] [b]Asterigos: Call of the Paragons DLC[/b] - 35% off [*] [b]Asterigos: Curse of the Stars - Deluxe Edition[/b] - 40% off [*] [b]Asterigos: Curse of the Stars - Ultimate Edition[/b] - 35% off [*] [b]Asterigos: Curse of the Stars - Northwind Legion Gear[/b] - 20% off [*] [b]Asterigos: Curse of the Stars - Complete Soundtrack[/b] - 45% off [*] [b]Asterigos: Digital Art Book[/b] - 45% off [/list]Offers end January 4th. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1731070/Asterigos_Curse_of_the_Stars/