[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41310629/45c748b659e812e3c3e44ddd9303e30235a8bbda.png[/img] Hello everyone! First of all we’d like to say thank you for all the feedback and suggestions you provided us . This has been extremely helpful as we continue to work hard on improving the gaming experience for you. Now let’s jump into the list of changes we have applied to the demo! [h2]The Controls[/h2] We hope to improve the “stiffness” and bring you an overall more enjoyable experience [list] [*] We've refined Hilda's actions and controls - she can now switch to sprint/dash state in a timely manner, and all her evasive actions will be properly executed if you have enough stamina points. [*] The stamina points will also now regenerate at a faster rate. [*] Hilda can now recover quicker from being knocked down, reducing the uncomfortable feeling during the lost control of the character. [/list] [h2]The Techniques of Weapons[/h2] You can now familiarise yourself with the special techniques of each weapon in the weapons interface. We hope this will help you understand the special features of each weapon and what they are useful for! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41310629/e4c26512d4c6fc16c6c7127f37ae763e5bc90162.jpg[/img] [h2]Input Mapping and Keybinding[/h2] We heard you! We have immediately jumped into the development of this feature. It will take some time, but we promise it will be delivered to your hands in the near future. We understand your needs and what most players are used to, so we've changed the default gamepad input to the following: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41310629/4081a9aebd9c42b97b8db83c6a4f908359bf286f.jpg[/img] We've added another option so that you can link the 'sprint / dash' action to the left-hand joystick, as well as three more presets for you to choose from! [h2]Resolution and Fullscreen[/h2] [b]You can now run the game in full screen mode[/b], and the resolution will scale according to the resolution you choose, which should apply to most ultra wide screens too! Please share your feedback with us if you encounter any issues. [h2]Bion, Vanguard of the Adherents[/h2] Some of you may know him. Some of you may not. But he's back again! We realise that putting an invincible boss at the end of the demo is not the best solution. So in this case, we purposely added a checkpoint before the fight, polished up the encounter and made him defeatable in the demo so you can challenge him without too much trouble. Horn your skills and prepare to engage the Vanguard of the Adherents! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41310629/d5eb6ac63847775aeb6768fb12cd07787cd386d7.png[/img] [h2]Save files[/h2] The game save data is now relocated to the following folder: [USER]/Saved Games/AcmeGs/AsterigosDEMO [h2]And there’s more![/h2] Bug fixes, camera optimization, enemy hitbox improvement, UI polishing, and more! We deeply appreciate your time and we hope you enjoy playing our game! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1731070/Asterigos_Curse_of_the_Stars/