Hello, everyone! Firstly, we want to thank all the brave adventurers who have already made it into the legendary city of Aphes! We are eternally grateful for your support and the feedback you share with us across all channels. We see and collect a lot of feedback and would now like to tell you about our immediate plans. [h2]Ability to reassign the controls[/h2] While the demo was available on Steam, we received a lot of feedback from players regarding the ability to reassign the controls. We actually started working on these customizations before the game's release. We’ll be prioritizing this task so you can re-assign the character controls in the next major update. We want to ensure that the new keybinding system will be compatible with the current pre-sets and usable for both controller types and mouse + keyboard. [h2]Item interactions[/h2] We also received feedback that some players are getting stuck in a status where they cannot interact with the items. We are working to solve this issue to ensure players have a smoother experience. [h2]QoL Improvements[/h2] [h3]Navigation clarity[/h3] We see some places and locations are notably easier to get lost in, so we will be adding more hinting marks to ensure the routes are easier to navigate. [h3]Game performance & combat experience[/h3] We will continue to improve the game's overall performance to provide a smoother experience on different configurations. In addition, we plan to improve the combat system further so that players enjoy a more responsive and authentic combat. Thank you very much for all your feedback! Please keep letting us know about bugs you encounter or suggestions you have [url=https://discord.gg/MqErEDrf8Z]in Discord[/url] or on the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1731070/discussions/]Steam forums[/url].