May the northern winds protect you on your journey, travellers! In our last devlog, we talked about the design of the monsters and the various weapons Hilda has in her arsenal. Today, we'll talk about how we created Hilda's persona and some of the other characters you'll meet in the game. [h2]Who is Hilda?[/h2] [img][/img] Hilda is an aspiring 18-year-old warrior of the Northwind Legion. She is eager to earn her father’s respect and dreams of joining him on the battlefield. Hilda’s father, Harold, is the commander of the Kingdom of Anbari’s Northwind Legion. Ever since Hilda’s brother fell in battle, Harold has become protective of Hilda and does everything he can to prevent her from taking part in dangerous missions. But to Harold’s dismay, Hilda is a warrior at heart. One of her goals is to honor her late brother by taking his place in the Northwind Legion. Yet, the more Harold suppresses Hilda’s fighting spirit, the more Hilda tries to prove herself. The relationship between father and daughter has been a bit tense until now, when opportunity blew into the wind. [img][/img] Harold and a group of elite soldiers went missing while investigating the magical curse in the City of Aphes. While Hilda is primarily concerned for the safety of her father and fellow soldiers, she knows this is the best opportunity to prove herself to her father. And with that, Hilda’s journey begins. [h2]How legends are made: The creation of Hilda from concept to hero. [/h2] When you first enter the City of Aphes, you’ll realize quickly that you’re a bit of an outsider. From her clothes to her weapons, everything Hilda identifies with is a bit different from the sophisticated technology and society of Aphes. [img][/img] Originally, Hilda was going to be a blonde-haired protagonist. In the end, to emphasize the contrast between herself and the people of Aphes, Hilda’s hair was made red and her wardrobe inspired by Celtic designs. [img][/img] [img][/img] Hilda has gone through several phases of transformation to become the red-haired warrior you see today in [i][b]Asterigos: Curse of the Stars.[/b][/i] [h2]Clans, Cults, and Communities in Asterigos[/h2] Throughout your adventures in Asterigos: Curse of The Stars, you will encounter two different groups - the Aphesians, and the Anbarians, with different factions in each group. The Anbarians are the outsiders of the city, who seek fortune and knowledge for their own purpose. The lost Northwind Legion warriors Hilda searches for are also from Anbari. The Aphesians, of course, are the people of Aphes who have lived in the cursed city for millennia. However, the time has divided the people of Aphes into different groups with conflicting agendas. [img][/img] You have the Legion of Aphes, who still hold military power in the city; the Ethrus Cult, a group of power-hungry people who seek redemption through the use of dark magic and beast-infusion, and the Adherents, a group of dedicated nobles who seek to find a cure for the curse. [img][/img] But in the end, it is Aphesian society that suffers from these warring factions. The long-term impact of the curse has caused Aphes’ society to break down into three major classes: the slaves, the civilians and the Aristoi - the noble class and ruling group of the city-state. They are the most privileged, but also carry the most responsibility for leading society. Yet over time, many of the Aristoi are becoming corrupted and no longer offer the strength and support the city so desperately needs. Meanwhile, the Adherents are a group of Aristoi who vows to restore Aphes to its former glory. Thus, they take up the responsibilities to preserve Aphes culture, maintain order, and find a cure to the curse. [h2]And at the center of all of this is Minerva[/h2] [img][/img] Minerva has dedicated herself to finding a cure for the curse. She is noble and elegant, but also full of pride. She has sacrificed so much for her goal. She is going to play a major role in the stories of Asterigos, and we can’t wait for you to meet her and the other fascinating characters we have created for the game. [hr][/hr] [i][b]Asterigos: Curse of the Stars[/b][/i] comes out on October 11th. Pre-order now to get the exclusive set of trinkets and armor.