Arhaekon version 0.31
Author: Predict Edumedia,
published 5 months ago,
[b]Patch notes:[/b]
- Implemented ESC key for closing windows
- Added formation access through the refugee camp window
- Increased font sizes & icon sizes across the board to improve readability
- Hospitalizing or committing units to purgatory will now also close the unit inspector tab
- Hovering over building buttons in town will now highlight their counterparts in the world
- Slightly brightened some of the darkest areas to improve visibility
- Reduced aggro radius and speed of encounters. It is now possible to avoid encounters
- Increased the player's light radius
- Potions now apply their effects to all formation units
- Removed music from town to avoid annoying repetitiveness
- Slightly improved the tutorial level flow
- Recruits from level 1 refugee camp should now be healthier
[b]Bug fixes[/b]
- Closing button on title bars should now be consistently working
- Mouse scroll should now work when reading lore pages
- Combat hotkeys should now be working as intended