Another pack of bugs has been fixed: [list] [*] A bug that prevented Cargo cleanse protocol has been fixed (this time for good. I hope) [*] Scanning tower upgrade prices are now displaying correctly [*] Fixed an issue with items overlapping each other when buying new items with all item slots occupied [*] Fixed a bug where moving item to the same slot would lead to its graphics disappearing [*] Fixed an issue with one of the vault completion triggers on level 4 not working [*] Fixed a bug where the discount in the shop would increase with each game reload [*] Fixed a bug with "A minute of self-love" achievement not appearing although conditions are fulfilled. [*] Fixed a bug with "Full collection" achievement not appearing. If you have fulfilled the conditions for "A minute of self-love" and "Full collection", you will get the achievements once you load the relevant game [*] Fixed a bug that prevented the 5th Ancient vase from appearing on the map. Unfortunately, this vase can be found only in the new game [/list]