[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/33017070/d4a300799ba03af5f73c7fd979d9ea0a4fcd2d90.png[/img] Due to a combination of factors: 1) Surgery recovery. 2) Family life events. 3) Quality dev cycles for various products. We redid the schedule today, and feel like we have a better grip on when exactly we can work on what specific projects. 4) Dinosaur Cousin Squad being a new genre and a new engine. Unless otherwise specified, everything already not in production is going to be pushed to 2024. [b]Geeks: Miller Cut[/b], [b]Illyria[/b], and [b]Rainbow Island[/b] are all 90% done and still expected to be able to be completed in a relatively short amount of time. Everything else is non-priority at this point and is going to be 2024.