[img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33017070/925d2698a22ea44074ba9bb357d74da706c986ab.jpg[/img] We're only eight games away from finishing our mad quest of adapting every Shakespeare play into a video game. Well, more than eight actual plays, but like Rainbow Hollow, we've got some tomfoolery up our sleeves. So, not only are we planning on a third and final game in the main Army of Tentacles trilogy next year, we're also planning two spin-offs in the Paper Shakespeare universe. Shakespeare and Lovecraft, together at last. We have sort of an ongoing storyline through all our games, and so far, it's been most apparent in the Paper Shakespeare/Furry Shakespeare ones. There's some reality/multiverse jank that's been threading through the games, which was have been affectionately calling The Multiverse BS (no, we only started calling it that when Marvel started calling their current films The Multiverse Saga). So, the idea here is that Army of Tentacles 2 will end that storyline and the next two games will showcase the consequences of a new reality being born. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1727790/Tentacle_Prawn_Actually_A_Cthulhu_Dating_Sim [b]It's all led up to this. Kind of. Maybe.[/b] Combining the quest and battle mechanics of prior Army of Tentacles games with the magnanimousness of a college dating sim. Expect to see it before summer. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1877720/Army_of_Tentacles_Assault_on_Rainbow_Unicorn_Island [b]Army of Tentacles is over. Long live Army of Tentacles.[/b] The first game, but reimagined as Shakespeare's Trojan War play. Perry, Riley, Webster, Thatcher, Apocalypse Bunny, and more are on a quest to push back the invading Greeks and save their home. Our first fully-voiced game since 2016. Expect it sometime..... later.