[img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33017070/82e33cd8ee3f0200a2e55d004f35bb183ffe04b2.jpg[/img] We had a few game announcements to make - we're seriously cutting down on content produced in 2023. But we have some announcements that we *think* round out next year alongside the already announced 2023 games. But we felt Halloween was not the right time to make those announcements. We want as many eyeballs on us as possible (or as is possible for a small indie outfit), and we felt that Halloween Day was not the day to make such annoucements. So tomorrow. [b]BUT.[/b] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1923621/Embers_of_the_Zombie_Battlemage_Halloween_Real_Werewolves_of_Massachusetts Here's a small content DLC for Embers of the Zombie Battlemage that we cooked up over the weekend, adding a new Guest Path throughout the entire game. What are Guest Paths? Well, they are like Johnny Handsome in the idea that they are complete character arcs, but for guests. You'll need to figure out what section they'll pop up in each Act, though. We're not giving out Halloween treats in the form of spoilers.