[img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33017070/83e104259b3e54fb1c3293428e4574917d14fdef.png[/img] [h1]Winter Sale[/h1] No one could have predicted this. Oh, and Dino Sim 2022 is droppig next week. Could be Monday, could be Friday. Or Tuesday. Or the other two. Just in time to miss Christmas as well as Christmas Eve. Blame the Gregorian Calendar and the constant shift of yearly dates for that chestnut. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2153400/Scientifically_Accurate_Dinosaur_Mating_Simulator_2022_American_Revolution_1775__1786 Oh, and a 2023 treat.... [img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33017070/121baf221805377562db7466bf68353786e9ab3e.jpg[/img] [h1]Army 1 and 3: The Actual Recode(s)[/h1] So, later on in 2023, the oft prophecized recode is happening..... the code for both Army 1 and Army 3 broke. The Steam versions still work. So that's the good news. If you buy it this sale, you will be buying a working game. It's just the versions on our end that need to be fixed. Which ultimately means that there will be a patch to both games later on down the line. I want to make it clear that [b]both games work perfectly fine[/b] on Steam. If you were planning on making any purchases of the game or DLC this Winter Sale, feel free to do so. When the newest update to the engine that we use hit, it scrambled our 2016 Code bases brain. Without going into lengthy explanations, the base code for Army 1 (Utahraptor) was written in such a way that, if you push one domino, the whole thing is gonna crumble. We were young and inexperienced. Shit happens. While Army 3 came out pretty unscathed, it still uses the Argument/Word Battle code. So we need to redo it as well. The good news is that both games will have fresher, better code. We will be keeping as much as the base game intact as we can. We're also going to try our best to keep the file size to the same as what it was, even though we'll be adding a few new baubles. They will include: [list] [*] [b]Updated Word Battles[/b]: Stats and abilities will now have a bigger impact on how they play out. [*] [b]New Army Units and Art[/b]: We'll have actual art for the Army units. [*] [b]New Level Up/Upgrade screens[/b]: For a better, clearer idea of how you're going to shape your army of monsters for the new endgame Invasion. [*] [b]Updated [/b] Shops and Stats [*] [b]Redone[/b] endgame Invasion system [*] [b]Redone[/b] DLC pathcode [*] [b]New[/b] UI [/list] Those patches will hit sometime (hopefully) early this year, with Army of Tentacles 1's patch going up before Army 3. [img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33017070/1cc95eb9870f83b93d977de5657b32941404430b.png[/img] [h1]Introducing: DINOSAUR COUSIN SQUAD![/h1] Our first platformer - made in GameMaker Studio 2. While we were going to shift the release dates for our current 2023 crop to get this out before Summer Sale, the version of base code that we got earlier last month still needed a fair amount of polish, and we didn't want to have our contractors work through the holidays. Our current investors were cool with the shift, but since it's going to need more time to cook before we can really start work on it, we're going to try to clear our slate of current investor projects before working on this one in full. Earlier in October, we had split up into two teams: Team Army of Tentacles - working on Army 2, Tentacle Prawn, and Unicorn Island - and Team Cousin Squad - working on Dinosaur Cousin Squad only. But because Dinosaur Cousin Squad has shifted, Team DCS has now taken up a new project that will also be officially announced next month: [img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33017070/5296b50d44424d80c3a3908b376abb9eb54ff686.jpg[/img] [h1]To Date Or Not To Date Cat Girls? 2 is in development[/h1] While [b]Tentacle Prawn[/b] is the game where we detail the relationship between our Lovecraft and Shakespeare worlds, [b]Furry Shakespeare: To Date Or Not To Date Cat Girls?[/b] 2 is going to be a more standalone title that deals specifically with the various Furry Shakespeare tales we've been telling so far. For instance, we have an entire group that actually deals with keeping the spirit of the holidays alive. How do they fit into the overall lore? Do they also go to the same college for royalty that everyone else does? What about the Spooky Scary Halloween Spooky Times and Historylands crews? Those are retail jobs. Why do those exist in this world? But the most important question of all: can you date a Monarch Butterfly? Originally, [b]Spooky Cat Girls?[/b] was going to be the canon sequel to [b]Cat Girls?[/b], but.... well, not anymore, obviously. Happy holidays.