After a hard and uneven fight we came out victorious… but not unharmed. It’s good that the last supply drop was generous so we can patch up. [img][/img] Now when enemy soldiers are regrouping for another attack we have some time… Lumberjack time… so chop chop chop to keep the bunker hot. [img][/img] Mmm.. peace at last. I know we are not English tea maniacs… but we don’t have coke in the bunker. [img][/img] The night has finally come. [img][/img] We at last have some time to recover before morning. Even super soldiers of Wermacht can’t attack at night… they are not Owls to see in the dark. And their scientists still haven’t researched night-vision equipment Hmm but why I am naked… sleeping without the blanket on? [img][/img] That damn English tea…