[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27574735/f4a01112e80f9c8daf4fc7ff88fa89b97bf92056.png[/img] We have just released VRChat 2018.4.1 on Steam! Make sure you restart Steam to get the latest version as quickly as possible. If you are on the right version, you should see Build 651 on the bottom of your quick menu. Among the changes for this version of VRChat is the ability to upgrade your Steam account into a VRChat account. Doing so is easy-- simply log into the new version of VRChat, go into your Settings menu, and click the "Upgrade Account" button. Follow the steps as prompted, and you'll soon be logging in with a full VRChat account, with all your friends, favorites, groups, and the ability to earn Content Uploading capability! If you don't have a VRChat account, the process will prompt you to create one. Upgrading your Steam account into a VRChat account will cause that Steam account to be irrevocably linked to that particular VRChat account. You cannot unlink an account once it has been upgraded, so make sure you're linking to the correct VRChat account! Check out our full release notes [url=https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/latest-release]here[/url]! If you're a creator, make sure you grab the latest SDK from the [url=https://vrchat.com/home/download]VRChat Home website[/url].