We've just released VRChat 2021.2.4p1, build number 1107. This is a minor patch. [b]This patch was been rolled back due to an issue preventing some players from launching VRChat properly. It was then re-released a few hours later as 2021.2.4p2.[/b] [h1]Client[/h1] [h2]Changes, Fixes, and Improvements[/h2] [list] [*] Made changes to asset unloading system to help reduce and improve hitching [*] Fixed some UI issues with the VRC+ menu on Quest [*] Fixed some issues with locomotion on the Vive Focus [*] Fixed an issue where a friend's instance could not be joined if it was over soft cap [*] Fixed an issue where the first viewed instance would show incorrect region information [*] Fixed the Vive Advanced Movement setting being enabled regardless of Settings option [*] Fixed the Holoport setting not changing correctly [/list] There is one known issue with this release. This issue will be addressed in the next patch. [list] [*] Attempting to use an avatar with a generic rig while using Full Body Tracking will incorrectly show the tracker balls. If using Legacy calibration, this will immobilize the player until the avatar is switched [/list]