VRChat 2022.1.1
Author: Tupper,
published 2 years ago,
[b]We've just released VRChat 2022.1.1, which includes Avatar OSC, Input OSC, comfort options, and more![/b]
Avatar and Input OSC is part of our new API for putting data into and pulling data out of VRChat. Starting with this release, you can build your avatar and set up OSC to do things like feed your heartbeat into your avatar, implement your own eye tracking system, build support for whatever controller you want, and even more! Check out our [url=https://hello.vrchat.com/blog/vrchat-osc-for-avatars]blog post[/url] for more information.
VRChat's OSC API is a pretty developer-centric feature. Keep an eye out in our new #avatar-osc channel on our [url=https://discord.gg/vrchat]Discord[/url] to see what people are cooking up!
This update also has some other stuff, like the new Tunneling comfort feature, the new [b]Voice[/b] avatar parameter, and a bunch of fixes. We're prepping for some other updates that are on the way, including one you might've caught [url=https://twitter.com/VRChat/status/1493314642071986182]a teaser for on our Twitter[/url]. (If you missed it, we're implementing 8 and 10 point tracking. spoilers!)
As usual, if you create VRChat content, please ensure you [url=https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/updating-the-sdk]update your SDK[/url]!!
Our full notes are visible, as always, [url=https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/latest-release]on our docs site[/url]!
[*][b]OSC API for Avatars![/b]
[*]You can now set up Open Sound Control to change parameters on your avatar and read parameters from your avatar-- both input and output!
[*]You can use this to implement your own eye tracking, face tracking, make changes to your avatars based on external inputs, and more!
[*]This is a pretty technical subject! Check out our [url=https://hello.vrchat.com/blog/vrchat-osc-for-avatars]blog post[/url] to read more and see some examples.
[*]You can also check out our documentation here for more details on how to use this system: [url=https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/osc-avatar-parameters]OSC Avatar Parameters[/url]
[*]We've also added a [url=https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/osc-debugging]debug menu for OSC[/url] to help with development!
[*]OSC API for Avatars is is available for VRChat on both PC and Quest! You'll just need to point your OSC application at your Quest's IP using the default ports.
[*][b]OSC API for Input![/b]
[*]You can also use the same system to provide input into VRChat! Many of our controls are mapped to OSC channels
[*]You can use this to map your own controllers, peripherals, and more!
[*]More details are provided in the [url=https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/osc-as-input-controller]OSC as Input Controller[/url] docs and [url=https://hello.vrchat.com/blog/vrchat-osc-for-avatars]blog[/url]
[*]OSC API for Input is also available for VRChat on both PC and Quest!
[*]Added a [b]tunneling VR movement comfort feature[/b] that optionally adds a vignette effect during movement
[*]Has Light and Strongsettings, adjustable in the Quick Menu
[h2]Changes, Improvements, and Fixes[/h2]
[*][b]Added the "Voice" parameter for usage on avatars![/b] This parameter is the avatar wearer's microphone amplitude in a float value from 0.0 to 1.0
[*]Added a "View Profile" button to friend request notifications
[*]Fixed an issue where the Upper Chest bone was not being networked properly, which could cause desynced poses when it was mapped (especially for full body users)
[*]Fixed an issue where some friends would be stuck "Online" after they'd logged off
[*]Greatly reduced spurious logging to the output log to improve performance. Re-enable these logs (and some new ones) by using the new "--enable-verbose-logging" launch option
[*]EXPERIMENTAL: Added the "--enable-avpro-in-proton" launch option, which will allow Proton users to re-enable AVPro for video playback. This may cause crashes!
[*]Fixed an issue where closing the Stream camera would open the Photo camera
[*]Fixed an issue where the VRChat UI could react when the mouse cursor was not over the window
[*]A variety of fixes to address application crashes in certain circumstances
[*]Various internal networking adjustments and updates
[h2]Notes for Creators[/h2]
Here's some useful links to participate in the OSC development community! Since this is a pretty developer-centric feature (at least, at first), we're going to handle these slightly differently.
Discussions: https://github.com/vrchat-community/osc/discussions
Bugs & Feature Requests: https://github.com/vrchat-community/osc/issues
Milestones: https://github.com/vrchat-community/osc/milestones
[*]Added "VRCPlayerAPI.Respawn" node with optional spawn index
[h2]Changes, Improvements, and Fixes[/h2]
[*]Udon synced objects are now less likely to rubber-band when transferring ownership
[*]Allow other tools to define methods for "SendCustomNetworkEvent", "SetKinematic", and "SetGravity" for use in the Editor