Welcome to VRChat 0.12.0p12! We’ve got a few changes and fixes. Before we get started, just so you know, VRChat released on Steam one year ago as of yesterday! Insert cake and confetti emoji here On to the patch! Here’s a summary. [b]Invite and Invite+ Instances[/b] We talked about this in an announcement a few days ago. This is how Invite instances will now function: [b]Invite[/b] : These are very private. The owner can accept invite requests and send out invites. Occupants can get notifications that people want in. [i]Example[/i]: Tupper owns an [b]Invite[/b] instance, and Ron is in the instance with him. VRPill wants to join the instance, and sends an invite request to Ron. Ron gets a notification without any ability to invite, and must tell Tupper that VRPill wants an invite. Tupper can send VRPill an invite, and VRPill can join. [b]Invite+[/b] : Somewhat private. The owner and any occupant can accept invite requests to let people join. [i]Example[/i]: Tupper owns a Invite+ instance, and Ron is in the instance with him. VRPill wants to join the instance, and sends an invite request to Ron. Ron can click "Accept", and VRPill will be invited into the instance. [b]Updates[/b] [list] [*]Friends list is now sorted alphabetically. [*]User lists on the social page are now expandable. [*]The small Red Arrows that allow expanding of rows in menus have been replaced with Expand and Collapse buttons to make that functionality more clear. Try it out in worlds, social or avatar menus. [*]You can now join off friends in [b]Friend[/b] instances if the owner is also your friend. [/list] [b]Technical Changes/Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Object owner disagreement between clients has been fixed. This was causing pickups to fly around worlds. [*]Fixed notifications showing up blank in some cases. [*]The forced audio source falloff curve in the SDK has been fixed. [/list] Please keep in mind that our systems may be changed and improved in future patches. Close VRChat and restart Steam to get the latest update! Look for Build [b]507[/b] at the bottom of your Quick Menu to ensure you’re on the right version. Also, make sure you update your SDK! https://vrchat.com/home As always, we thank you for your patience and continued support! The VRChat Team