VRChat 2023.1.2
Author: Tupper,
published 1 year ago,
Hello everyone! We've just released VRChat 2023.1.2 (1286) [i]live[/i]!
This update is now live on all platforms!
[b]⚠️ This update is NOT network compatible, so you will not be able to see your friends until they update.[/b] Users who are on older versions will not be visible to those on the latest version, and vice versa. Please ask your friends to update VRChat!
In this update, we introduced several quality-of-life improvements and several bug fixes! Check out our latest Video Patchnotes for more info!
[url=https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/vrchat-202312]Full patch notes are available here![/url]
[*][b]Avatar texture memory usage is now considered a ranked performance stat and will affect your avatar’s performance rank.[/b]
[*]Excellent: up to 40MB
[*]Good: up to 75MB
[*]Medium: up to 110MB
[*]Poor: up to 150MB
[*]Very Poor: 150MB+
[*]Excellent: up to 10MB
[*]Good: up to 18MB
[*]Medium: up to 25MB
[*]Poor: up to 40MB
[*]Very Poor: 40MB+
[*][b]This is not upload size.[/b] This is texture memory usage. They are not the same thing.
[*][b]Completely overhauled internal handling of portals![/b] This should provide much better stability and security to portals, preventing many cases of portals disappearing or desyncing between instance members
[*][b]Friends+ portals now default to unlocked[/b]
[*][b]Earmuffs range can now take the shape of a cone[/b], allowing you to focus on conversations in front of you
[*][b]Nameplates will show an icon when a player has earmuffs enabled[/b]
[*][b]Avatar "Hide by Distance" and "Hide by Count" visual aid and toggle[/b]
[*][b]PhysBones have been adjusted to use and maintain the initial hand-to-bone offset[/b] as your "grab position" instead of a fixed relative position per bone
[*]This means that grabbed PhysBones won’t move or "snap" when you initially grab. They will only move when you move the grabbing hand
[*]An upcoming SDK update (next week) will add in a toggle that will allow you to turn this behavior off per component
[*][b]Added a Report User option to report users for using a modified client or "hacking".[/b] You can find this under "Report User -> Behavior".
[*]Reporting people using modified clients in this way is [i]very[/i] helpful to our Trust and Safety and Security teams! Thank you for your reports!
[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
[*]Fixed multi-layer camera not being accessible for non-VRC+ subscribers
[*]Fixed an issue that could cause crashes when disconnecting multiple audio devices at once
[*]Fixed last valid portal placement marker getting stuck in place when looking at invalid surfaces
[*]Fixed portal placement in situations with no surface available at all blocking user input
[*]Fixed shuffle button in "Random" worlds menu not working
[*]Various smaller UI fixes
[*]Various smaller groups fixes
[*]Safety and Security improvements
[url=https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/vrchat-202312]Full patch notes are available here![/url]