We've just released VRChat 2020.4.2, build 1016. Here's a short summary of the changes! For the full list and more details, please see our [url=https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/latest-release]full changelog[/url]. [list] [*]When avatars are blocked due to not having an asset for your platform, being explicitly hidden, performance, or other reasons, [b]the "gray robot" should now scale down or up to the avatar's height![/b] [*]Added support for [b]Rich Presence in Discord and Steam![/b] [*]Added smoothed first-person camera mode for VR! Access it via your Camera menu. (Shout-out to RubberRoss for the suggestion!) [*]Replaced the "spiral" filter on the camera with a "local user only" alpha filter, so the camera will only show you! (Shout-out to Drumsy and many others for the suggestion!) [*]Favorite avatars that are not supported on your current platform can now be removed [*]Fixes to local display of avatars that use jawflap [*]Fixes to properly display pending friend requests in the social menu [*]Fixed issues where root transform animations weren't working correctly with Valve Index hardware [*]Fixes made to avatar cloning. The "Allow Cloning" setting should be much more reliable and fast to update now [/list] In addition, new SDKs are available for download! They're available (as always) [url=https://vrchat.com/home/download]on our site[/url]. [b][url=https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/updating-the-sdk]Ensure you follow the instructions in our documentation for upgrades[/url], or else you may lose your projects![/b]