We have just released VRChat 2018.4.3 on Steam! Make sure you restart Steam to get the latest version as quickly as possible. If you are on the right version, you should see [b]Build 668[/b] on the bottom of your quick menu. This release has a huge amount of changes, the biggest of which is our [b]migration to Unity 2017.4.15f1[/b]! If you create content for VRChat, make sure you check out our guide on [url=https://docs.vrchat.com/v2018.4.3/docs/migrating-from-56-to-20174]Migrating your Project to 2017.4[/url], which includes instructions on how to install the proper version of Unity and move your projects over. If you have worlds or avatars with specific qualities, you may need to re-upload that content using Unity 2017 in order for it to work properly. Check the Release Notes below to see the list of reasons you might want to re-upload. We've also updated our [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/438100/VRChat/]Store Page[/url] with new media and a pretty awesome new trailer-- check it out! Special thanks to our community members who participated, and to Chris Lake for providing the awesome track. There's a lot going on in this update, so check out our [url=https://docs.vrchat.com/v2018.4.3/docs/latest-release]Release Notes[/url] for the full story.