Instance Tech v1.0 is here! You can now create friend only & invite only versions of the hundreds of rooms in VRChat. If you open a private room instance, you will now be able to kick unwanted users out of that world. We have also added the ability to switch your mic straight from the menu. We have also been busy making our YouTube walls look glorious. Be sure to drop by the Cinema YouTube or any room with a panel and check it out! [i]If you are and Oculus Rift user experiencing FPS issues with the Oculus build on our website, please use this Steam build instead for better performance. [/i] FEATURES [list] [*] [b]Private Worlds[/b] - Users can create private copies of public worlds. When creating a new instance, there will be the option to create a friends-only or invite-only private world [*] [b]Request Invite[/b] - Users can request an invitation from a friend in an invite-only world [*] [b]Private World Moderation[/b] - Authors of any world, and owners of private worlds can kick unwanted users out [*] [b]Microphone Switching[/b] - Users can now change their microphones in System Menu [*] [b]Improved Voice[/b] - Speech should be more consistent, with less dropout. Users with high latency or low bandwidth should also experience improved voice chat [*] [b]See Friends[/b] - Friends are no longer blocked by personal space [*] [b]Seated and Standing Play[/b] - Oculus users with an Xbox controller are set for Seated Play, while those with Touch controllers are set to Standing Play. [*] Shortcut menu buttons have been renamed and have icons added. [*] [b]Better video[/b] - gamma correction and linear filtering added to YouTube panels [/list] FIXES [list] [*] Users who are sitting should appear to be so even when others leave and reenter the world [*] Youtube panels should not sync across worlds [*] Gamma fixed on Youtube Panels [*] VRChat now works with the Steam VR Beta [*] Other users’ mouths move if they are talking even if you have them muted [/list]