Update 2 - "Community First" - Holiday Special - Out Now!
Author: [HUTLIHUT] Daniel,
published 11 months ago,
[h1]Happy Holidays! We have something special in store for you![/h1]
[b]Special thanks[/b] goes out to the Void Crew community for all their feedback and good vibes!
We have been collecting feedback from the [b]COMMUNITY[/b], and in this update the focus is on addressing some of those requests/wishlists! Here’s a recap of what’s new:
[h2]Void Jump Revamp and Astral Map[/h2]
Some peace and quiet is a welcome gift for any stressed-out Ectype. The Institute of Ectype Mental Health found that prolonged downtime in the Void Jump Tunnel could help Ectypes prepare - mentally and physically - for their next challenge*. To further decrease self-Biomassification to acceptable levels, all Astral Map Terminals have been updated to the latest OS with new user friendliness, iconography and motivational colors**.
[i]* Leaving the ship during the Void Jump still results in a guaranteed uneventful death. We're discussing providing a risk/reward scenario for letting Ectypes repair Hull Breaches inside the Void Tunnel.
** ... Objectives are laid out in a sequential manner on the Map, which also forms the UX basis for navigating longer Pilgrimages with more Objectives.[/i]
[h2]Graded Enhancements[/h2]
Ship System Enhancements have gotten a pass, making them much more powerful, but also more temperamental. Flubbing an Enhancement Boost will put the Enhancement into a temporary [i]Failure State[/i], which temporarily debuffs the targeted system.
Engineer-specced Ectypes, however, have also seen some love. The Engineer Perk Tree* has been extended with a new branch containing three Enhancement-related Perks, allowing engineers to override the Failure State, as well as buffing the Duration and Effect of Enhancements to levels above those achievable by non-Engineers..
So... remember to PRAISE your fellow Engineer - they have feelings too, surprisingly.
[i]* The Perk Tree system is scheduled for an overhaul in the near future.[/i]
[h2]Ship System Upgrader MkI[/h2]
The Department of Armament has sent out a broadcast to all Ectypes to look out for a new carrayble object, namely the [i]"Ship System Upgrader MkI"[/i]. It's a versatile little Item which allows Ectypes to point and click to [i]upgrade ship systems[/i] to one Mark higher. This works for both pre-installed Ship Systems as well as the ones fabricated via Animus Crates*.
[i]* Not all Ship Systems have upgrade paths at this time.[/i]
[h2]Void Jump Interdiction[/h2]
The Void Jump is not without peril - the HOLLOW have developed a machine to yank us out of the sanctuary that is the Void - the [b]Interdiction Pillar[/b]. With a steady drum, it tears at the stability of the Void Tunnel, eventually forcing it to collapse, and for the Ship to emerge into a hostile ambush. If the Pillar wasn't enough, several new enemies are thrown into the fray - for example the Shield Generator, which will bestow shields on nearby HOLLOW Units.*
The Interdiction Pillar floats at the center of a large debris field - Victims of prior ambushes. Look for the METEM Wrecks within, as they're likely to contain worthwhile loot.
[i]* Interdictions can happen once per Pilgrimage, and the risk escalates for each Void Jump. We're evaluating the mechanics and difficulty of the Encounter.[/i]
[h2]New "Shade" Armor Cosmetics[/h2]
A little something for the fashionable: The "Shade" Armor collection consists of a Helmet, Shoulderpads and Chestpiece - a must have for any respectable Ectype.
[h2]Holiday Special Cosmetics and Event![/h2]
This update also sees our first seasonal content! What else could you wish for than a thematically decorated Hub with just a hint of a chime and an optional objective including a madman and a time-limited-reward pool filled to the brink with goodies?
Additional updates, with Quality of Life stuff, and with focus on community requests (apart from all the other stuff already covered):
[*] [COMMUNITY] Gave loot in space a vertical streak-line to make them a lot easier to spot!
[*] [COMMUNITY] B.R.A.I.N Auto-shooting turrets, improved. Now supports shooting at varied areas of large enemy ships (not only the center of enemy ships, as before).
[*] [COMMUNITY] Turrets on enemy ships can now be target locked for Auto shooting turrets.
[*] [COMMUNITY] "The lootbox opening sound is too loud" - volume adjusted
[*] [COMMUNITY] "I can’t rebind target locking and scanning and it’s bad for my accessibility" "I can’t rebind thruster boosters" - Both are now rebindable
[*] [COMMUNITY] Display name of cosmetics when hovering
[*] [COMMUNITY] Breathing sound when low temperature, improved. Now not audible for gunners and pilots using TPP camera, and improved in other scenarios as well.
[*] Improved Resolution and Framerate settings
[*] Adapted Awakening Tutorial to the new Void Jump flow
[*] Functionality added to missions to show headers of 3 different types: Warning/Error/Messages
[*] Void Jump Sound and Visual Effects updated
[*] Added Directional Color Grading lerping
[*] Circuit Breakers now change colors based on their internal temperature
[*] Enemy health and shield bars reworked to give better feedback, including invulnerability shields getting a unique look to clearly communicate it is invulnerable
[*] Respawning in the Hub is now faster
[*] Balanced loot in co-op rooms
[*] [COMMUNITY] Fixed the Asteroid Rain making entire game pixelated while on Low settings
[*] [COMMUNITY] Fixed an issue where the logbook could not be opened through the Escape Menu
[*] [COMMUNITY] Fixed couple of typos in twist warning
[*] [COMMUNITY] Bravery Solar System got extensive fixes preventing quest objectives from appearing inside asteroids
[*] [COMMUNITY] Fixed some map's static objects spawning far away from the sector
[*] [COMMUNITY] Fixed twist warning overlapping with various UI elements
[*] [COMMUNITY] Fixed destination marker not being visible for players joining mid session
[*] [COMMUNITY] Fixed debris spawning on top of Ambush Satellite
[*] [COMMUNITY] Fixed items clipping through installed modules and becoming unretrievable
[*] [COMMUNITY] Fixed an issue where using chat while EVA would disable controls
[*] [COMMUNITY] Fixed Thruster Duration perk - should now apply correctly
[*] [COMMUNITY] Fixed items glowing while being inside of the ship
[*] [COMMUNITY] Fixed items spawning behind walls in Ambush Satellite
[*] Fixed occlusion issues in Raid Base
[*] Fixed fabricator objective marker in Awakening
[*] Fixed Sarcograph sound looping forever if the player dies in space
[*] Fixed Personal Loadouts misplaced graphics
[*] Fixed an issue with Power Couplings LOD
[*] Fixed culling issues in Destroyer
[*] Fixed reinforcements spawned by Comm Relay not being aggroed
[*] Fixed object markers on unscanned signatures not displaying objective text
[*] Fixed auto turrets sometimes breaking after destroying enemy ship components
[*] Fixed miscellaneous issues with loot spawns on wrecks
[*] Enhancement context infos should now correctly display percentages
[*] Various art fixes
We will gladly and shamelessly thank our community that continue to give us great feedback and report issues on our [url=https://discord.gg/joinvoidcrew][b]Discord[/b][/url]! We, a small studio, will continue to push our ambitions to make Void Crew the best co-op space game out there!
The journey continues, and for those interested in what we are diving into, have a read of our latest [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/1063420/partnerevents/preview/3886107476402125362]"Hutlihut - Space Log #3: Addressing FPS issues"[/url].
Until then, we wish you all Happy Holidays!