As you may be aware, the recent release of the ([url=][b]B.R.A.I.N. 1.5 Update[/b][/url]) has significantly impacted the HOLLOW forces, though regrettably, it is likely to lead to an escalation of conflicts. The question that now looms large is: What will the HOLLOWs bring to the fight next? --- Since launch we've received a lot of great feedback and suggestions! One of those was a visually more clear roadmap! So we wanted to share the new version with everyone. [i]But first...[/i] [img][/img] [b][i]INCOMING UNKNOWN TRANSMISSION... ... 731101161011141001059911610511111032105109109105110101110116[/i][/b] [img][/img] What could this be? [b]Update 2.0[/b] is coming this [b]December[/b], so [i]stay tuned![/i] [img][/img] One of our main goals is [i]"Being close to our community"[/i], and transparency is one way we want to improve it, so get ready for more: [list] [*] Bi-weekly [url=][b]Hutlihut Talks Vlogs[/b][/url] where we talk about what we're working on. [*] Bi-weekly [url=][b]Dev Streams[/b][/url] so you can see our team fighting for Metem. [*] Exclusive sneak peeks in our [url=][b]Discord[/b][/url] (resistance is futile ... join us ... ) and [url=][b]other social media[/b][/url]. [/list] In addition to delivering our vision for Void Crew with our roadmap, we are constantly evaluating and allocating resources to fixing bugs, balancing and adding quality of life features as we move forward. So without further ado, here's the visually updated roadmap: [img][/img] [img][/img]