[b][h2]Now that [i]Vestiges: Fallen Tribes[/i] has been available for a week, we're excited to reveal our upcoming roadmap for the next 6 months! It includes a Meta Quest devices port, significant performance optimisations, and the creation of a brand-new tribe. [/h2][/b] We are also planning to add a [b]mission editor[/b] so you guys are able to create your own scenarios and share them with your friends. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/efb9ea0f0071c8675a823dd5680baf25316d7635.png[/img] We are still working on the VR performances and you can find some tweaks to feel more at ease in our [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2511780/discussions/0/4842023333101708707/]known issues[/url] hub topic if you’re using SteamVR devices such as Valve Index, WMR or HTC Vive. If you missed the Launch Trailer : [previewyoutube=eKPJuPhPeAA;full][/previewyoutube] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2511780/Vestiges_Fallen_Tribes/ As the game is still in Early Access, your feedback is crucial—whether through reviews, [url=https://bit.ly/discord_wanadev]Discord[/url], or social media, we want to hear from you. Help shape the future of Vestiges as we continue to evolve! Thank you for your support.