[h3]For this 4th devlog, we should have been talking about a very dense subject that is the cards design. But as I was writing this article, the team’s process and goals changed and my information became in a way obsolete but that’s okay. We have lots of other cool stuff coming to Vestiges: Fallen Tribes’ next update 0.9.0. Let’s talk about some of them! [/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/76d32b7fd5f220d43eef5354fe090e25e7661601.png[/img] [b]Make room for the newest unit: the Gorgon[/b] As we said in our Devlog #3 about the Cura, adding new units inject novelty into gameplay, stimulates strategic innovation, and fosters ongoing excitement as players explore fresh possibilities. We’re obviously committed to maintaining your interest and engagement over time as we’re working on one of the most expected features: deckbuilding. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/7ecf4c9c3ccd56d619047d6b1967e19b553625a4.jpg[/img] The Gorgon is a powerful new Adrarii unit that petrifies the closest opponent’s unit with flying drones located at the end of its hair. The whole opposite unit - whether it’s a group or a single figurine - is then immobilized for a couple of seconds and can be killed by just one strike. [i]“Basically the Gorgon and a Sandstormer can stun an entire group of gladiators and instantaneously kill them”[/i], Pierre Heinisch Game Designer explains. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/639c41644f8f45927540c9c61e738285a763a1c4.jpg[/img] The Adrarii tribe was inspired by Berbers people and mountain tribes from North Africa and the Middle east. In Libyan mythology, the origins of the Gorgon, often associated with the monstrous Medusa, are shrouded in ancient lore. [i]“It is said that the Gorgon's roots trace back to the desolate expanses of Libya, where tales of her dreadful gaze and serpentine locks echo through time”[/i], Pierre adds. Some myths suggest that the Gorgon was born from the union of ancient sea deities in the region's tumultuous waters, while others attribute her creation to the wrath of the gods. Regardless of her origins, the Gorgon's presence in Libyan mythology serves as a potent symbol of power, fear, and the enigmatic forces that govern the natural world.[i] “From this background, the concept was pretty quick to draw. We added our little tech twist with the flying drones and it was ready”[/i], Suzane Rault precises. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/f1cbe5253c342a51985b434d4d9df7f7815ad8f5.gif[/img] Integrating the unit was pretty simple using the original system Pierre created. But the hair animation went a little crazy sometimes. [i]“We used Unreal Engine's particle system Niagara to create the cables, and we animated them procedurally using… Math. But since we suck at math”[/i], Pierre jokes. We can’t wait to see what you think of this new unit and what strategy you’ll use its ability! [b]A brand new environment[/b] The big thing coming up in this next update is a pretty consequent visual change for the players. Indeed, you’re gonna be able to dive into a brand new player’s environment. On PC and in VR, you’ll be surrounded by a very detailed scene. The point of this very important “glow up” is to insert environmental narration and be able to tell a story through those elements. [i]“An immersive player environment is essential as it transports players into richly crafted worlds, fostering deeper engagement, emotional connection, and memorable experiences that transcend the boundaries of the game itself”[/i], Suzanne explains. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/d3b15bc44f9650fd7eec49b2eacbdccda068c9aa.jpg[/img] [i]Before Cécile's work[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/5dc6625eed56161370311921fcbf73ddc7ea7352.jpg[/img] [i]After[/i] Cecile Chevanne, 3D artist, created the scene in Unreal Engine using Suzanne's indications about the universe, the type of objects found there, and the atmosphere she wants to create. [i]“Suzanne wanted to create an intimate atmosphere for the room, resembling a tribal sci-fi shelter. Roughly like a billiard room in a bar. Structurally, she wanted the building to be constructed on ancient ruins with futuristic elements”[/i], Cécile presents. Cécile then built the environment assembling elements like Legos. After placing the ground and mountains, she designed multiple room shapes until achieving a satisfactory result. [i]“I created ruins/stones and incorporated wooden/metal elements as well as walls. The small furniture pieces, a blend of wood and metal, were then arranged around”[/i], Cécile adds. Outside, she followed the same principle by adding futuristic houses to the ruins and arranged small spaces dedicated to a bar, reading, and figurine painting, suggesting a creative atmosphere.[i] “Finally, to bring life to the room, I added hangings, lanterns, tableware, and other objects. For lighting, I favored an exterior view with the noon sun while maintaining an intimate atmosphere inside with lanterns and a spotlight directed toward the game board, the central element of the room.”[/i] [b]Brand new set of hands (VR only)[/b] We mentioned it a while back, but new hands will finally be available In VR. The idea was to bring another dimension to the player’s experience and immerse them even more. Personifying the player by giving them hands that fit the environment was one of the challenges the creative team had to deal with. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/83117a99ccf56b4e6294db1f5e04aaeeb105ed20.png[/img] [i]“The player's hand in a VR game is of paramount importance as it serves as their primary means of interaction with the virtual environment, bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds”[/i], Pierre says. The hands are another important element of the story we want to convey inside the game, [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/d5ffe173d46ff0fbe8292aaabc91473beb292769.png[/img] [b]About the cards’ designs [/b] Although this subject is still in development, I can tell you that the card's design is essential, as it not only influences the aesthetic appeal but also contributes significantly to gameplay clarity, ensuring smooth comprehension and strategic engagement for players of all levels. We won’t get into the details of this but you’ll see small changes in the cards, we want to make them more readable and distinct from each other. But we know it’s not there yet so please keep that in mind. We will definitely talk about it in details in a next devlog ! [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2511780/Vestiges_Fallen_Tribes/][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/88024dd36ad086030e3651b45db70d7753fbbe6e.gif[/img][/url] Stay tuned to learn more about [i]Vestiges: Fallen Tribes[/i]. Get your Beta access to enjoy this next update. Feedback from players is essential as it provides valuable insights into their experiences, preferences, and areas for improvement, helping the team refine and enhance the game to better meet the needs and expectations of the player community. There are a few ways to give us your feedback on the game : [list][*] [url=https://forms.gle/rcEeQoVDLG54Bv1BA]the feedback form [/url], the most efficient [*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/kVq4sXS]the discord[/url], the most detailed [*] [url=https://twitter.com/Vestiges_game] X[/url], also a possibility [/list] Don't hesitate to wishlist the game in support: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2511780/Vestiges_Fallen_Tribes/ Thank you for being a part of this exciting evolution, and we can't wait to see where the Closed Beta takes us!