[h3]The last update of [i]Vestiges: Fallen Tribes[/i] introduces the very first effect cards. Now that it is possible to create custom decks of 20 cards, it is important to expand the game's card collection and add some spice to those already strong strategies. Let’s talk about how we created those first effect cards.[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/d5c57daef5009ccd32dec8ef97360a93f3edcadc.png[/img] Effect cards are pivotal in card games like Vestiges: Fallen Tribes because they introduce unique abilities and interactions that enhance the game's strategic depth and variety. These cards can change the course of a game, creating dynamic and unpredictable gameplay experiences. The first two cards to join the game allow the players to either [b]draw 2 new cards[/b] or [b]withdraw one unit[/b] already placed on the battlefield. The creation of these cards was accompanied by two main challenges that had to be overcome: the need to differentiate them from other unit cards, and also to adapt the Gameplay Ability System to implement them more easily into the game. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/06783292f2c3438f101ab348dc1edd585f2752bf.gif[/img] [b]Visual distinction & uniformity[/b] The design of those new cards is important because it allows players to easily differentiate them from the other units during a game. [i]“A distinctive and recognizable design ensures that players can quickly identify the cards, facilitating fast informed decision-making”[/i], Suzanne Rault, Art Director explains. Indeed, players only have 1 min to choose the cards they want to put on the battlefield. Mastering their deck will be one of the most important things players need to do in order to make strategic decisions. The more cards they will have to choose from the less time they will have to think about their strategy hence the high importance of making those new cards easy to play. This clear visual distinction also contributes to a more engaging and enjoyable player experience by reducing confusion and increasing the game's overall aesthetic. Intern Concept & UI Artist, Lauralie Girard, had to think of a way to make those cards different without deviating from the existing artistic direction. [i]“I got inspired by the design of the user interface for which UI/UX Designer Guilhem Hounieu used geometrical shapes”[/i], Lauralie says. Lauralie needed to make sure those cards were very different but would still fit into the overall aesthetic of the game. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/86f330d801fbfab442967080e08f36a1acde5955.png[/img] The first version of the new cards (left) was not conveying the right message. [i]“At first I didn’t know what direction to go. As I was playing with the outline’s color we noticed that the silver was almost stating that the card was either unavailable to play or that it would cost another currency to use it”[/i], Lauralie adds. Lauralie chose to retain the gold color to maintain the reference to the unit cards, while using a silver outline fill color to differentiate it. [i]“Using white also helps color-blind people to actually notice the differences between the cards without changing it too much”[/i], Lauralie explains. Indeed, it is important for the studio to ensure that as many accessibility criteria as possible are always considered during the development of its games. [b]Pictogram and Illustration[/b] Lauralie also had to create a specific pictogram and illustration for the cards. “We are still not sure whether the effect cards will be part of a neutral faction with the same visual attribution, or part of existing tribes, but we needed a pictogram that could be associated with effects in general”, Lauralie continues. The user interface was designed with geometric shapes such as squares and diamonds which Lauralie adapted to create the personalized star. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/c68d5593d32942af11bf14a2bb04ebe703c53b79.png[/img] The cards illustrations’ main purpose is to be understood with just one look at it. Since those two new effect cards are mostly hand related ([b]draw 2 new cards[/b] and [b]retrieve a unit[/b]), Lauralie focused on showing actual hands on the concept. [i]“It is a way of emphasizing the player’s action on the game”[/i], Lauralie adds. When buffs are introduced to the game, their illustrations will obviously need to depict the buff’s effect. [i]“Each unit has its own art illustration that is made specifically for the card, so we’re still thinking about whether effect cards should have the same type of illustration or not”[/i], Suzanne explains. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/7ae7e151bf2f2a230d7d86a31d1dbeb812bc02ac.jpg[/img] [i]Example of a unit art illustration: The Cura - Citizen of Illustran Deck[/i] [b]Adapting the Gameplay Ability System[/b] The implementation of the Gameplay Ability System has made adding new cards easier and faster. [i]"The advantage of the GAS is that we can add cards without having to rework the whole architecture of the game each time",[/i] explains Benoît Djerigian, Lead Developer. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/daba51cb7268dc76edf096759eeb0ee5a653232e.png[/img] [i]Replication for the draw phase[/i] Because playing a card that did not spawn a unit on the battlefield is a new feature, most of the work had to be done during this update. All effect cards use the same events to display explanatory text, handle targeting if necessary and trigger the ability via the GAS. So adding a new effect card in the future will only require coding the specific ability. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/5ee2958ff3cc74c45be03b9741237b89e447c473.png[/img] [i]Breakdown of the game phases[/i] Online multiplayer games like [i]Vestiges: Fallen Tribes [/i]are usually divided into two phases: the preparation phase and the resolution phase. It's important to keep in mind the concept of replication and the management of information stored and transmitted by the server. [i]"When a player uses the 'remove a unit' card, they don't want the opposing player to know about their action before the resolution phase, so you have to remember to disable replication on the server side,"[/i] explains Benoît. Once the player confirms their choice, replication is reactivated on the server side, and the resolution phase reveals each player's choice. Join us now in the open beta of [i]Vestiges: Fallen Tribes[/i]! This is your chance to experience the game firsthand and help shape its future. We are particularly interested in your feedback on the types of effect cards you'd like to see added. Your input will be invaluable in enhancing the gameplay and making each match even more exciting. Share your ideas with us and become a part of our growing community. [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2511780/Vestiges_Fallen_Tribes/][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44716226/88024dd36ad086030e3651b45db70d7753fbbe6e.gif[/img][/url] There are a few ways to give us your feedback on the game : [list][*] [url=https://forms.gle/rcEeQoVDLG54Bv1BA]the feedback form [/url], the most efficient [*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/kVq4sXS]the discord[/url], the most detailed [*] [url=https://twitter.com/Vestiges_game] X[/url], also a possibility [/list] Don't hesitate to wishlist the game in support: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2511780/Vestiges_Fallen_Tribes/ Thank you for being a part of this exciting evolution, and we can't wait to see where the Closed Beta takes us!