●BUG: ○ Fixed a BUG that sometimes appeared when launching the game while the Steam client was still running. ● Difficulty related: ○ In order to be more suitable for beginners, the overall difficulty has dropped a lot, which is specific for the initial 80% of the "bullet monster", are changed to "white bullet-free monster"; ○ Adjusted the order of the wave number of some bosses; ○ Added many bosses to Wave 85; ●UI related: ○ Optimized the original bullet acquisition, bullet display UI is not intuitive problem; ○ Added "Heart, sword, shield, star" icon UI, used to display the player's "health, attack, defense, magic" attributes; ●85 wave count: ○ The first time you kill the Forest Fairy Dragon, the wave number is expanded from 55 to 65 waves; ○ The second time you kill the Forest Fairy Dragon, the wave count is extended from a further 65 waves to 85 waves; ○ Forest Fairy Dragon's health is increased by 100% because the key can obtain various bullet stocks and attributes; ● New items: ○ New bullets: ■B bomb: ● A player bullet that fires a barrage; ○ Gemstones of various colors: ■ Green: Experience bonus item; ■ Red: An item with increased health; ■ Orange: An item with increased attack power; ■ Blue: Increased defense item; ■ Purple: Increased mana item; ○ Various colors of blood bottles: ■ Yellow: Restored 20% of attributes; ■ Blue: 40% of attributes restored; ■ Red: 60% of attributes restored; ○ Various colors of keys: ■ Yellow, blue, red sort; ■ The probability of obtaining high treasures is: yellow < blue < red; ○ New Elite enemies: ■ Elite enemies will drop keys, through which they can open various items, currently gems, blood bottles, gems;