[b]Hello![/b] [h1]February Roadmap:[/h1] February is going to be a polishing month for 3.0 in that a lot of the features are now there, and it's just a matter of building on them to create a bit more new content. This is going to be a bit less strict of a month in that there are less specific goals other than to improve the game by doing things such as: [list] [*]Expand selection of buildables such as stairs, ladders, farms, chests and traps. [*]Fill in the map with more detail, furniture and locations. [*]Implement character specialties and skill trees. [*]Improve the user interface. [*]Boost performance. [*]Better item spawning in multiplayer. [/list] Due to the flexibility of this month feedback is going to be even easier to integrate into the game, so be sure to voice your opinions! [h1] Update Notes:[/h1] [i]If you're interested in testing out this patch head on over to the Preview branch! You can gain access using the secret passcode "OPERATIONMAPLELEAF" in the Betas tab.[/i] [b]Additions:[/b] [list] [*]Added ability to use backspace instead of delete. [*]Added ability to ctrl-delete to remove an entire road. [/list] [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*]Gold member clothing no longer provides any warmth. [*]Hunger is food, thirst is water and sickness is immunity to be more understandable. [/list] [b]Tweaks:[/b] [list] [*]Swapped ghillie hood to hat slot so it provides heat. [*]Reduced delay between zombie inside range and attack. [*]Decreased sample counts of postprocessing. (ambient occlusion, light shafts, etc) [*]Disabled specular shaders, so let me know if you find any besides on the ice. [*]Black and white heightmaps are no longer halved since the vast majority of people have updated. [*]Visions have a 12.5% chance of altering each color channel at the same time. [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed pants being uncraftable. [*]Fixed node and path tools selecting the opposite and crashing. [*]Fixed pebble texture bleeding. [*]Fixed a few cases of objects misconfigured. [*]Fixed creating levels with the same name. [*]Fixed duplicating items when holding it and taking the container off. [*]Fixed navigation near water. [*]Fixed visually small objects not showing up on map. [*]Fixed water refraction/reflection draw layer distance. [*]Fixed resources generating near edge of material. [*]Fixed zombies cancelling searching when hit repeatedly quickly. [*]Fixed ragdolls to be disabled with physics disabled. [*]Fixed a crash when smoothing terrain. [*]Fixed equipment input missing a patch applied months ago. [*]Fixed map image resolution. [*]Fixed a dumb performance bug with lots of objects. (although obviously large numbers of objects still drain performance) [/list] Keep in mind that a lot of buildings still need furniture, there will probably be quite a few performance issues that need fixing and the item spawns are poorly balanced, but the Canada map is now available to begin testing along with hundreds of new models and a few items. Do not set your expectations too high for now! Several more locations may be added in the future as well such as a race track, golf course and mine. In the mean time be sure to let me know what you think! [b]Thanks for reading![/b]