[h1]8th Anniversary on Steam:[/h1] I am happy to celebrate another great year in the Unturned community! We first launched into Early Access on Steam in 2014: eight years ago today. Thank you to everyone for your longtime support and encouragement as the game continues to grow and (hopefully) improve! I consider myself incredibly fortunate and lucky to be able to focus on this project full-time for so long. [h1]Changelog:[/h1] [b]Added:[/b] [list] [*]Housing Planner tool for quickly placing structures. [ID 1764] [*]Notification on main menu when an update is available. [*]Server option to shutdown for auto-detected game updates. (Finally, eh?) [*]Server option to shutdown for scheduled maintenance at a fixed time. [*]Grow_SpawnTable (guid) option for crops. [*]Copy to Clipboard button for error message. [*]Option to make terrain holes visible for finding gaps. [*]Terrain material icon in asset list. [/list] [b]Changed:[/b] [list] [*]Housing item placement is easier now that connections betweem then are tracked. [*]Roof placement requires two pillars rather than a pillar at each corner. [*]Shooting/attacking stops clientside if no inbound traffic has been received for 2 seconds. [*]Updated barricade placement on vehicle to use netids rather than index. [*]Temporarily buffed brick-material housing items from 800 to 1650 HP. [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] [list] [*]Many exploits for stacking housing items in the same slot. [*]Explosion damage respects zombie armor. [*]Terrain editor per-"pixel" smoothing mode near edges. [*]Whitespace-only player names with name filter disabled. [*]Reverted post processing version to work around TAA transparent field of view bug. [*]Some terrain hole gaps on Germany. [*]Wrong material on circular table barricade LOD1. [/list] [h1]Housing Planner:[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//6119952/4b7001f49e4695a8396f1f1930e0c46465b39fc0.png[/img] The Housing Planner lets you quickly place housing items without waiting for animations, and pick them back up much faster. It can crafted from a GPS and Rangefinder, or found as an uncommon drop at construction sites. There are a variety of housing-related rewrites in this update which are part of a first step towards better base building. Future work in this area will include building downward, claim flags automatically covering the entire connected house, replacing the crafting system, and more! [h1]Server Auto Restart:[/h1] Two features have been added to the server Config.json file in this update to make server maintenance without plugins easier: [b]Scheduled Maintenance:[/b] Restarting approximately once per 24 hours is recommended for the meantime because most of the older code still uses 32-bit floating point time. While this is gradually being improved an option to schedule shutdown has been added. Enable_Scheduled_Shutdown: if true the server will shutdown at the specified time. Scheduled_Shutdown_Time: local time the server will shutdown. Scheduled_Shutdown_Warnings: list of times before the shutdown to notify players. For example 30:00 will broadcast in chat 30 minutes before the shutdown. [b]Checking for Updates:[/b] Finally! The server can monitor for updates and restart when one is detected. Enable_Update_Shutdown: if true the server will monitor for updates. Update_Steam_Beta_Name: defaults to "public", but can be set to "preview" for servers running on the preview branch. Update_Shutdown_Warnings: after an update is detected the server will wait for the longest of these durations to notify players before shutdown. For example if the longest time is 2:30 the server will broadcast in chat 2 minutes and 30 seconds before the shutdown. [b]Practical Application:[/b] These options are most useful in conjunction with a script that updates and restarts the server in a loop. For example this Windows .bat script can be placed in the steamcmd folder to infinitely update and restart the server: [code] @echo off rem @ suppresses echo command from being echoed, and then disables echoing in this script. rem This is a label for use with "goto". The script will return to this label to update and restart the server. :loop rem %~dp0 expands to the path to this script's directory, allowing it to be called from a different working directory. rem The "/wait" option pauses our script until steamcmd is finished. rem Start steamcmd, download latest version of Unturned Dedicated Server, then close cleanly. echo Updating... start "" /wait "%~dp0steamcmd.exe" +login anonymous +app_update 1110390 +quit echo Finished update! Launching server... start "" /wait "%~dp0steamapps\common\U3DS\Unturned.exe" -batchmode -nographics +InternetServer/MyServer echo Server has exited. Restarting after timeout... echo: echo Press CTRL+C and then Y during this timeout to cancel restart. timeout 10 rem Return to the "loop" label to update and restart the server. goto loop [/code] [h1]Windows 32-bit Deprecation:[/h1] This will be one of the last updates with 32-bit Windows support. According to the Steam hardware survey 32-bit Windows is approximately 0.22% of players. The final update with 32-bit Windows support will be sometime in early August, and will also remain permanently available on a Steam beta branch for anyone returning to the game on a 32-bit PC.