[b]Hello![/b] [i]If you're interested in testing out this patch head on over to the Preview branch! You can gain access using the secret passcode "OPERATIONMAPLELEAF" in the Betas tab.[/i] [b]Additions:[/b] [list] [*]Added different bushes for different berries, some can be found outside the haunted mansion next to the AC130 crash. [/list] [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*]Physical force applied by shotguns is multiplied by the number of pellets. [*]Poisonous bushes are darker and wilder. [*]Healing bushes are brighter and clumpier. [*]Updated default resources file with bushes. [/list] [b]Tweaks:[/b] [list] [*]Darkened jade berries. [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed punching bug increasing damage. [*]Fixed serverside berry bush health issue. [/list] [h1]This update is really small due to other responsibilities (Homework is increasing!), but to compensate here are my current thoughts on what to do about the Canada map:[/h1] From [url=http://strawpoll.me/3727786/r]this poll[/url] it's clear that the majority of the towns are ignored and unimportant. For the most part they are currently clutter and don't have much of anything to distinguish them. To resolve this I think that the best thing to do is group the smaller towns together so that there are a few medium towns as well as the city. Each town should also have some unique buildings like in PEI to make each one worth going to. As a balance to this I also think that the farms need to be spread out, such that on your way between towns you can find some rural loot. This should also improve the item distribution so that you can find low tier weaponry near wherever you spawn. The next issue then is the flow of the map. Currently all of the spawn points are in the East, with loot quality increasing as you move West. One of the things that was nice about PEI, in my opinion, was that the map consisted of one main road with towns along it and branching paths to get to points of interest. By adjusting the map to be more interconnected like this I think the Canada map can be balanced to the point where you'll have some interesting times no matter where you are. Of course the final thing that everyone seems to agree on: There's not enough military loot! By balancing out the layout of the map I think it would be more fair to have military camps/checkpoints around the level, as a result increasing the amount of high tier loot. Most likely whatever is going to change for the final version of the Canada map will begin in March. This weekend I'm aiming for more medical items and clothes, maybe electricity. [i]What do you think?[/i] [b]Thanks for reading![/b]