[b]Hello![/b] [i]If you're interested in testing out this patch head on over to the Preview branch! You can gain access using the secret passcode "OPERATIONMAPLELEAF" in the Betas tab.[/i] [b]Additions:[/b] [list] [*]Added locks to doors and crates. Only metal doors/crates are locked. [*]Added maple crate. (ID 366) [*]Added birch crate. (ID 367) [*]Added pine crate. (ID 368) [*]Added metal floor. (ID 369) [*]Added metal doorway. (ID 370) [*]Added metal wall. (ID 371) [*]Added metal window. (ID 372) [*]Added metal roof. (ID 373) [*]Added metal pillar. (ID 374) [*]Added metal stairs. (ID 375) [*]Added metal hole. (ID 376) [*]Added metal ramp. (ID 377) [*]Added metal door. (ID 378) [*]Added metal ladder. (ID 379) [*]Added masterkey. (ID 380) [*]Added 20 gauge shells. (ID 381) [*]Added message when opening overlay without overlay enabled. [*]Added white version of new UI skin for non-Gold members. [/list] [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*]Improved water shinyness especially at dawn. [*]Improved the new Gold critical hitmarker icon. [*]Visibility hotkeys show next to the visibility labels. [*]Applied testing lighting to the Canada map. [/list] [b]Tweaks:[/b] [list] [*]Disabled some of the network tweaks from yesterday, but adjusted others to see if it improves the situation. [*]Reduced size of the medkit icon. [*]Disabled font outlines. (This makes some UI elements look odd, but it will be repaired over time.) [*]Zoomed out character inspect camera slightly. [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed pillar icons. [*]Fixed farms getting their origin time set to 0. [*]Fixed attaching wrong caliber attachments when swapping weapons quickly. [*]Fixed some UI elements such as fields and labels having a slightly off-white font. [*]Fixed items dropping really close to players. [*]Fixed unable to place window fortifications on wooden structures near the bottom on servers. [*]Fixed lack of LODs for wooden walls. [/list] [b]Thanks for reading![/b]