[b]Hello![/b] [i]If you're interested in testing out this patch head on over to the Preview branch! You can gain access using the secret passcode "OPERATIONMAPLELEAF" in the Betas tab.[/i] [b]Additions:[/b] [list] [*]Added canteen. (ID 337) [*]Added lettuce. (ID 338) [*]Added lettuce seed. (ID 339) [*]Added tomato. (ID 340) [*]Added tomato seed. (ID 341) [*]Added potato. (ID 342) [*]Added potato seed. (ID 343) [*]Added wheat. (ID 343) [*]Added wheat seed. (ID 344) [*]Added ability to ctrl-click items when using storage to quickly move them in/out. [*]Added quality to fuel cans so that the more they are used the more they leak. [*]Added health regeneration with near full food and water, improved with the vitality skill. [*]Added damage proportional to speed when crashing vehicles. [*]Added ability to damage barricades, crops, structures and resources by crashing into them. [*]Added beep noise when toggling night vision. [*]Added hardened as a replacement for the experienced boost. [*]Added temporary Flatgrass map to work on improving network performance with many players in a small area, it also has different lighting to see what you think. [/list] [b]Tweaks:[/b] [list] [*]Increased map name max length. [*]Decreased player movement send rate. [*]Decreased max players to 16 from the testing 32. [*]Removed automatic fire on Eaglefire, as it is not intended as a military rifle. (Maplestrike will be the new military autorifle soonish.) [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed reverting to prone/crouch/sprint on server after exiting vehicle. [*]Fixed nightvision setting not adding light. [*]Fixed chat showing your own nickname. [*]Fixed playerlist showing your own nickname. [*]Fixed map showing your own nickname. [*]Fixed optics to not re-enable the HUD if disabled. [*]Fixed sledgehammer repair blueprint. [/list] I believe I have figured out what is still bugging me about the Canada map, and that's the fact that I think it's not designed with fun in mind enough. The PEI map was built with barely any regard for the actual location aside from visuals and location names, however the Canada map tries to follow an accurate-ish layout without many exciting unrealistic locations. What do you think, do you agree or disagree? Should the Canada map be reworked a bit to have better flow, more military locations, etc? [b]Thanks for reading![/b]